Tuesday 6 May 2014

What is captcha and why websites use this?

This thing captcha(The Image we see where it asks to enter the words in a blank text box) we see in almost every website login or new user page. Why websites use such thing on their webpages?

Answer of this question is very simple. To make differentiation between Human and Software Robot this captha is used. Previously hackers or people who want to harm the website create some scripts which overload the servers by sending script to create 1000 or more users in one hour or something which can overload the server and also waste bandwidth of that website. So programmers started captcha to stop the software robots to overload the servers just by sending scripts to overload the servers.

Captcha's are not easy to read by image recognition systems, because they are not in order and are not very clear to the software's which are used as Optical Character Readers.

So Captcha is used so only human's can access the secure pages, which saves bandwidth and also helps to secure the server's.

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