Tuesday 23 December 2014

Very useful Gmail hidden feature in email address

Here is the hidden feature of gmail address which can be used to filter our email messages to a particular folder instead of reaching in Inbox, So i can save my time in looking for a particular mail in Inbox sent by My Brother.
My Brother's name is Paras so i have told him to send me emails by applying +paras to my email address so emails sent by him can easily be saved to filter named paras. My brother don't need to use his particula email address, he can use any email address of his friends or company and by just adding +paras will redirect his emails to my paras folder.

For Example my email address is abcdefghi@gmail.com, So if he will send an email from any of his email address by adding +paras to this email address as abcdefghi+paras@gmail.com then it will be delivered to abcdefghi gmail address and will be redirected to paras folder of abcdefghi instead of Inbox.

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