Thursday 29 January 2015

Create a Shortcut to shutdown your Computer in one click..

In single click you can shutdown your computer with this method..

To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:-
1.Right Click on an empty slot on Desktop, point to New and click on Shortcut.

2.In the dialog box that pops up, type the following code without quotes in the Type the location of the item.

Shutdown -s -t 00

3. Click on Next and type a name for the shortcut in the Type a name for this
Shortcut text box.

4. Click on Finish.
Now you will be able to lock your computer by double clicking on the created shortcut. You can also add this shortcut to Quick Launch toolbar to lock your system with only a single click.

Now with single click you can shutdown your computer...enjoy with this tricks..

if any problem occur then send message on facebook page then i will give you solution.. :)

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