Monday 23 February 2015

How to use Whatsapp Calling Feature?

Method 1:

Follow this steps to activate Whatsapp voice calling feature on any Android device.
Download latest Whatsapp app from here.
Uninstall older version and reinstall downloaded whatsapp.
Say your friend who get Whatsapp calling feture invitation and you're done!

Method 2:

You can also try this method.

After installing whatsapp, Open Root Explorer or Es file Explorer and Go to Data > Data > com.whatsapp > shared_prefs > com.whatsapp_preferences.xml
Edit the above file and Add these two lines after <map> -

<boolean name="call" value="true" />
<string name="call_allowed">all</string>

Now save the file and Go to Settings > Apps and Force Stop WhatsApp .


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