Friday, 16 May 2014

What is Cloud Computing?

Term Cloud Computing is used as the server side computing in which applications are installed on server end and clients use that applications online via a network.which saves space of the client computer and client computer do not need to be configured with high level hardware, what it needs is high speed network or internet and that network is refereed as cloud. Applications can also be executed over the internet publicly, the common example of cloud computing is Google Drive which has special features by which we can create and edit Document files, Excel Worksheet and PowerPoint presentations. we don't need to install MS-Office on our computer to run these applications. We only need an internet and cloud service provider. There are many other cloud service providers which provide more applications online so users can do their work without installing the software's on their client machines. Same cloud storage is also the term in which users store the data which is accessible anywhere in the world(previously we use FTP servers to store and access files over the internet which was not very safe and user friendly environment) So cloud computing made it very user friendly and easy. users can automatically store the images of their mobiles in cloud storage client such as Google Drive, Dropbox etc. When we click any Photo from our mobile then that photo automatically uploaded to our Cloud storage user id and then later we can access that files from anywhere by login to our cloud storage account.

There are many applications which provide cloud storage for our mobile such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Azure etc. They are available free with some limited storage and we can buy more storage if we need more storage space on cloud. This feature is very useful in case of companies data which can easily be accessed from anywhere from the world. Email clients has size limitations for attachment files but these cloud storage servers can easily store large files on cloud account.

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